About the Rhemas with the "Goose" 

In the Celtic Christian tradition the Wild Goose was representative of the Holy Spirit, and we believe that He will bring a fresh and much needed Rhema to you each time you go to this page. Of course as with all things, moderation.  Usually one or two, perhaps three are enough for clear thinking.  Too many Rhemas can be confusing. 

If you would like to get a new Rhema every time you open your browser, copy the link and make that your home page and you will get a fresh word every day when you open your browser.   Enjoy!

Rhemas - asking God questions!


About the Rhema Button:

There is a bug with our Rhema Button, so I changed

it to open into a NEW page. When it opens, to get another Rhema, just click "Refresh" or Press the F5 Key,

​To get back to the Source page, click back.

Is This Practice Scriptural?