This link opens a page that explains
all the progress Erik has been making in Nicaragua and gives updates on all the projects.
We have spoken about how best to serve these villages that are turning to Christ.
We spoke about buying tools for them to farm and cut the mountain shrub to clear areas to plant. I feel I need a better grip on this. They are hunter-fisher mostly and some grow a bit of food. There are now churches and schools but the people basically stay in their villages. My understanding is they don't use money as they simply trade with each other.
The Muskito coast is very seriously a place of sickness because of lack of clean water so the villagers suffer terribly from different bugs. They get their water from a mud hole. So when we hear of a village of 400 who need latrines and each latrine is $450 we sort of cringe and wonder how to best help with what we have. So water systems seem to be what is before us at present. Then we can deworm a village for $540.
The boat trip to bring in the supplies in the pictures was 10 hours!
Yes, Even homes have been purchased!
The hero of this story is Pastor Carlos Baez. He suffered terrible poverty as a child and now a man loves to end that and help break families out of its generational cycles. His story is found at Who We Are Flutemaker Ministries is a 501c3 public charity born from the needs that Erik Sampson (aka Erik the Flutemaker) and his wife, Linda, saw in Nicaragua. Carlos takes yearly or bi-yearly trips there. Now there may be more trips due to some craftsmen making items we buy from them to sell and due to offerings to put in water systems in 5 villages, and donations from Who We Are and HeartDwellers generous subscribers!
A few years ago word was moving through Nicaragua that due to hunger on the Miskito Coast, children were eating the bark from trees. Pastor Carlos went to visit villages offering them food. And The Caciques (Tribal Mayors) asked him what he wanted for it. Carlos said he wanted nothing in exchange and won their hearts.
Pastor Carlos has told me on good days the people eat 2 times a day.
Another home HeartDwellers helped with, details pending.
Nicaragua Outreach Continued
This is Kenia and her son, Enderson. They desperately needed a house to be warm, dry and safe from the outside elements. The Lord put in on Clare's heart to offer to help out Between Eric, his many friends, and pastors like the amazing Carlos Baez in Nicaragua, and YOUR donations, we were able to donate enough to buy this house for this small family! God is with us, and His message is being spread far and wide through Christian Outreach programs by this, and other Ministries!
GLORY TO GOD for all he does!
Fresh Water needs in Nicaragua
This link opens a page that explains
the details of Sponsoring a Child through "His Hands for Nicaragua".
Outreach 3
Here are some of the Children that need Sponsors.
Hi, Clare, we are just arriving home from Nicaragua. Great trip. Looks like the whole village came out to celebrate Genesis homecoming. Here she is with the mayor of Jalapa after getting a medal for courage. God bless you dear one.
Erik and Linda
Taos Indian Outreach
Food coming in, being put into storage and then given out
This link opens a page that explains
the next Mercy House,
The Linda House. read about the details and see the pictures here.
Trafficking Outreach