Your Worst Enemy
Divination vs. Authentic
Intimacy with God
"Follow Your Dreams"
Jesus encourages us
"Don't Fret Over Time"
Jesus admonishes us
Increase Will Overtake You
Community & Those Who
Live for Themselves
You Are Ambassador's to
the Desolate Soul
Go Out and Love, One at a Time
Jesus is sending us out
I Will Rejoice Over You
With Dancing and Singing
Please click on the desired PICTURE of the video to be taken to the pdf copy
"Persevere in Prayer" Jesus says
The Invitation to
Overcome Temptation
"Introduce Me, Not Religion"
Jesus Said
"You Are My Heaven on Earth"
Jesus said.
Surviving the Coming Tribulation
Your Patience is Supporting Me
Why the Rapture was delayed
"Show Mercy to Yourself as Well
as Others" Jesus said
If You Love Me... Rapture... Sexual
Temptations - teaching from Jesus
Make Amends Jeus is Calling
for Healing of Relationships
My Heart Skips a Beat
All PDF's November, 2014
From Jesus, with Love
All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book here.
Please feel free to download, print, copy or share this PDF.
Please click on the picture to the left to go to the PDF file.
My Peace I Give You
Please click on this image to hear an MP3 version of this message
My Grace Accomplishes All
Things, Even Prayer
Please Your Parents or
Please Me
Pure Life in Me,
a word from Jesus
Glorious Bride Arising w/ Her Torch Rapture Timing Revisited
Open the Watergates of Unbelief
Jesus Teaching on reaching souls