Greater Privilege calls for Greater Humility

January 16th, 2017

January 2017 Video and Pdf Files

America Raised from the Dead by.. Prayers

January 29st, 2017

The Painting Joy Comes in the Morning

All January Pdf's in a Single File

January 2nd, 2017

January 4th, 2017

You Have Won a Victory, Now Move Forward

January 19th, 2017

January 12th, 2017

January 26th, 2017

Hidden Power of Love in the Family...

  All the messages from this time period have been compiled into one, convenient PDF book Below.
Please feel free to download, print, copy, or share this PDF File to anybody you feel it could help!

There is Freedom in Being Authentic...

January 21st, 2017

Pray against Evil is Being Spoken Over..

January 29th, 2017

The Lords Teacup Antidote...

This Topical Index is a companion text to the Monthly Compilation of Messages. The purpose is to give you an "at-your-fingertips" resource to quickly search and see what topics the Lord covered over a month's time. As time permits, each month will eventually have an Index, and then finally - an Index of All Messages will be produced. It is our prayer that it will be a valuable aid in "finding" what the Lord had to say about major topics over the past months. 

My Bride Will Not return to Me Void...

How God restores Relationships & Us...

( Translation Information & Topical Index - Bottom of Page )

Translations Available

Damaging Winds of Distraction...

How the Enemy Seperates Best Friends..

January 11th, 2017

 ​​​Hint: You can Easily Translate ALL Pdf files using Google Translate in 5 Simple Steps:

1.) Download the Pdf file Above.
2.) Open it with you PDF reader.
3.) Open Google Translate.
​4.) Copy then Paste the text from the Pdf file, into Google Translate.
5.) Select your language.

January 17th, 2017

You are My Cinderella

January 31th, 2017

January 14th, 2017

January 6th, 2017

January 26th, 2017

Gold/God Fever

Abiding in the Vine vs Burnout in the Ministry

Locked up Behind the Bars of Self Pity..

( Download All May PDf's in a Single File - Bottom of Page​ )

Topical Index of January

January 7th, 2017